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True To His Character, Robert Arrigo’s Final Request Was A Simple, Selfless Wish

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Social media is flooded with personal tributes to Robert Arrigo, an inspiration within political and social spheres, a man who touched so many of the lives he came in contact with.

But a glance at his final social media posts before his passing reveal just what kind of character Robert had.

“December is important to me. I celebrate my birthday and also a milestone of 52 years in tourism,” he had posted on 4th October. “One of the events that is organised is a dinner on the 11th December. After other charity events, this one is all in aid of Puttinu Cares.”

Robert had been surprisingly open with his own personal battle with cancer, sharing personal struggles with the world as he underwent several bouts of chemotherapy.

Through his open, non-judgemental approach to healthcare, he both took the opportunity to praise the island’s doctors and nurses, as well as show the challenges that come with a medical health crisis.

And true to his character, he continued to do everything he could to support and bolster the sector, majorly supporting a fundraiser event for Puttinu Cares in his last public messages.

“They have a lovely project in England which we should support too. Let’s do it as part of our Christmas. All help is welcome.”

His final message online, posted 6th October, was a simple “Niltaqgħu” (we’ll meet) while resharing the fundraiser. 

Today, shortly after the news broke, Puttinu Cares itself said: “we are deeply saddened over the loss of Robert Arrigo. A man of great integrity. You taught us so much… thank you for giving us so much support over the years.”

As post after post online recounts the shared memories and life lessons that Robert Arrigo passed to all those around him, let’s not forget what the man himself truly stood for – selflessness and courage in the face of whatever life throws at you.

What do you remember Robert Arrigo for? Let us know in the comments

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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