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WATCH: Daredevils Filmed Hanging Off Jerma Palace Hotel In Unsettling Video

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Footage of a number of apparent daredevils filming dangerous stunts at an abandoned hotel site in Marsaskala has emerged online.

“We’ll soon be hearing about another tragedy!” one man said as he uploaded a video he took near the site.

In the video, three people can be seen on the roof of the building, before one of them hangs off the edge, storeys above the ground. Another person can be seen to be filming the man hanging off, before he’s pulled up and the trio review the footage.


People were left confused and shocked by the footage.

“You don’t even believe these things,” one person said. “Madoff, all of that to take a photo?” said another.

The Jerma Palace Hotel is a former four-star hotel in Marsaskala, which closed down in 2007. It’s since become abandoned and fallen into a state of disrepair.

The footage comes months a foreign daredevil made some controversial waves in Malta after filming himself scaling the Triton Fountain.

What do you make of this footage?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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