WATCH: Hugo Chetcuti’s Final Interview: A Donation To The Ursuline Sisters

A video uploaded by Hugo Chetcuti last month detailing his charitable plans to donate money to the Ursuline Sisters’ Creche in Sliema turned out to be the last time he appeared on camera.
In the video, the late Paceville entrepreneur – who tonight succumbed to injuries sustained after he was stabbed last week – said he was ready to give the Sisters whatever they need to improve the lives of the orphans they take care of.
“I’m going to upgrade their pool, add umbrellas outside it and install air conditioners in the children’s bedrooms and playrooms,” he said. “I’ll give them whatever they need, although I’m impressed at how well they’re living. I was expecting the situation here to be much worse, to be honest, but these kids are living are living as comfortably as my grandchildren are. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting it. Thanks to the Sisters and the people out there who are helping.”
One of the nuns described Chetcuti as a “very gentle” man, who is always ready to do what it takes to improve the lives of the orphans living in the creche.
“This was the first time I met Hugo, and I can say he’s a man bursting with energy who took our dreams for these children to heart,” another nun said. “Thank God there are people like him out there or we’d lose heart.”
Rest in peace, Hugo Chetcuti
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