Out On Patrol Maltese Police Officers Join Friendly Rugby Match With Mixed Ability Athletes

What started out as a usual patrol for two police officers ended with them hitting the rugby field alongside players of Malta’s Brain Foundation.
Their journey took them past the rugby match, in Marsa, where they were approached by the coach and founder of the Brain Foundation, Marco Ortica, to take part in a friendly game.
And they just couldn’t say no.
At the time, the players were attending their weekly session, held alongside the association’s partner: UM Wolves RFC.
Lovin Malta reached out to Ortica, who shared his thoughts.
“Officers were patrolling close to the pitch and I thought it was nice to have them for a few minutes there,” he said.
“One of the things we teach our players is to respect authority, like referees for instance. No doubt the police represent the authority for the community.”
“I thought it was a good opportunity to teach the players the rule of authority and at the same time, let the police know how much we appreciate their service.”
Even if it may be perceived by some as more of an ‘aggressive sport’, the discipline behind Rugby has been employed by the foundation as a means to improve the lives of people with mental and physical disabilities.
The Brain Foundation uses a sport-specific approach to assist its members through the Marqos Teaching Method: a system created by the entity itself.
The communication-centered approach promotes activity that is of a physical and intellectual nature and is used to help persons learn a sports discipline, like rugby. A neat way to improve coordination, promote social connections, and reap all the benefits that come with playing sports.
Now this is an act we can all get behind!