WATCH: ‘You Will Slowly Descend Into Madness’: Jon Mallia Sends Powerful Message To Daphne Caruana Galizia’s Killers At Vigil

Podcaster Jon Mallia delivered a powerful and heart-wrenching speech this evening at a Valletta vigil to mark the 51st month since the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Addressing Caruana Galizia’s murderers, Mallia warned the murderers that their attempt to silence the journalist had failed miserably.
@lovinmaltaofficial Jon Mallia's closing words at tonight's Daphne Vigil. #fyp #fypmalta #malta #lovinmalta #jonmallia #daphnecaruanagalizia #vigil #speech #poem #tribute ♬ original sound – Lovin Malta
“You fools. You didn’t understand that the silence after the blast would be filled with an eternal echo of Daphne’s voice. It echoes from this microphone, it echoes from the worried silence of the cells at Kordin, and it reaches its peak in the agitated silence of those criminal minds whenever someone knocks on their front door… that fear that Daphne’s words have finally arrived on their doorstep to make sure the bill is paid.”
“Until your final breath, this torment will plague you drop by drop and day by day until you descend into madness. Until that day you’re dragged to the depot to confess all you know, that grinding fear will suffocate every nerve of your body, a thousand times a day.”
“Until you confess, your lives will remain an eternal collar of death.”
In contrast, he said that Caruana Galizia, “the true Invicta”, was killed once but immediately resurrected.
“She was resurrected in the sadness, desperation and anger that coagulates us all together into one fist, in the victorious memorial of flowers, in Le Monde, Reuters, Washington Post and the world’s largest newspapers who were unleashed once they heard the news that one of the most formidable people in their ranks had been exploded in the street.”
“Daphne was resurrected in [Roberto] Saviano, in [Antonio] De Pietro, in the halls of the EU, in Manuel [Delia], in Caroline [Muscat], in Jacob [Borg], in [Chris] Peregin, in Mark Camilleri, in myself and in all the newsrooms that are scared of reporting but are more scared of the consequences of their silence. Daphne is alive in the inquiries and in NGOs’ demonstrations.”
“The bomb that should have destroyed Daphne has instead shaped the brave women of Occupy Justice and Daphne’s family is shining with the greatest splendour.”
Mallia said he was inspired to address the vigil after interviewing the late journalist’s son on his podcast.
“The brief moments I spent with Matthew were among the most authentic and most intense of my life. They pushed me closer than anything ever did towards what I know in my bones to be true.”
“That’s why I came here today. Because the cross that Matthew, his siblings and relatives have to bear is ours too. Malta, do your bit. Malta, never be silent. Malta, stand up.”
Cover photo: Occupy Justice
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