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Tal-Qroqq Tunnels’ Blue Tiles Have To Rain Check After Falling Down During This Morning’s Heavy Rainfall

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The blue tiles meant to decorate the Regional Road outside the Tal-Qroqq tunnels seem to be anything but weather-resistant, as some of the tiles were displaced in this morning’s heavy rainfall.

After a tunnel rehabilitation project, using plenty of taxpayers’ money, the bathroom-like tiles received criticism as soon as they were put up against the walls.

It turns out they were not only useless, but also not prepared to survive the colder months, as the tiles fell down as soon as the season’s first rainfall appeared.

With more unpredictable weather coming up in the next few months, it is the question whether the tiles will make it through and overcome the winds and rains that Malta’s autumn brings, or if they will be smashed faster than Malta’s hope for a greener future when Ian Borg announces his infamous infrastructure plans.

Do you love or hate the blue tiles?

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Belle dives deep into seas and stories. She’s passionate about mental health, environmental sustainability and social justice. When she’s not out and about with her dog, she’s more than happy to hear from you on Instagram @belledejong or at [email protected]

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