‘World Wide Rally For Freedom’ From Lockdown Measures To Be Held In Valletta This Saturday

A worldwide protest against lockdowns and other measures is taking place in various cities around the world, including Valletta, this Saturday at 9am.
“Together we will win! There is no longer an excuse! Everyone has to take to the streets together! Now!” the World Wide Rally For Freedom said on their Facebook page.
“On July 24th, people from all over the world are standing side by side for freedom and human rights. Bigger and louder than before. We are one big family!”

While the poster doesn’t mention COVID-19 or anything to do with the pandemic, the organisers stated five key points that the rally was calling for: freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of assembly, and freedom of health.
This call was picked up by some in Malta, many of whom had major concerns over ongoing COVID-19 measures as well as companies rolling out rules for unvaccinated workers.

The rally will be happening in major cities around the world.
Maltese people were split over the protest, with some saying that it was dangerous to gather during a pandemic while others praised it as giving them a chance to “speak the truth”.
The Maltese government’s recent confusion over travel restrictions for unvaccinated people and who can enter the island led to major stress and ruined plans for many, with some saying they were stranded abroad as a result.
The recent tensions alongside skepticism over the COVID-19 has led to an increased social media presence for those who do not believe in the lockdown. Many are rallying behind Maltese doctor Jean Soler; however, he has told Lovin Malta he will not be attending the rally out of fear of being associated with certain views.
Watch Soler’s interview on Lovin Daily below:
Will you be attending this rally?