Is This Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s Secret Life?

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has definitely had his hands full over the last couple of months, but that doesn’t seem to have stopped him from carrying out some of his favourite things around the island. First, it was shopping at Green’s Supermarket, which Muscat has said he regularly does because he enjoys cooking for his family.
Now, we might’ve discovered the Prime Minister’s secret hobby. Strong emphasis on that ‘might’. In a post sent to Lovin Malta, a Muscat doppelgänger was recently spotted in Vienna, at a Vienna Royal Orchestra performance.
Turns out the man is Bernd Lanner, the percussionist of the Vienna Royal Orchestra.
Or at least, that’s the alias Joseph Muscat gives when he wants to take a break from being Malta’s Prime Minister and wants to perform his favourite classical opera instead. No wonder he’s so confident in front of crowds – Muscat was born to be on stage!
Also, can we just say – that look? Long blonde hair? Yes.

Bernd Lanner on separate – and less Joseph Muscaty – occasions