Euthanasia Discussion To Be Hosted By TedXUniversityofMalta And Lovin Malta

After a successful first talk earlier this month, TedXUniversityofMalta and Lovin Malta are back next week with another discussion entitled: When The Choice Is Not Yours.
The main speaker of the event will be euthanasia campaigner Sam Debattista who has already written about her personal experience for Lovin Malta. The discussion will be moderated by Lovin Malta’s Chucky Bartolo.

It will be held on March 8th at Camarata, which is located at the bottom of Merchant Street in Valletta. Only 30 places are available. Tickets can be bought online for €7 and will cover some nibbles courtesy of Camarata.
This is the second of three discussions being held in the run up to TedXUniversityofMalta’s big annual conference in April. Book your tickets here.