‘This Has To Stop’: Environment Minister Calls Urgent Meeting To Discuss ‘Serious Littering Problem’ In St. Paul’s Bay

In the wake of the internet uproar as well as many other complaints from residents (some even reporting a massive rat problem), Environmental Minister José Herrera has tweeted agreeing that “serious action has to be taken on the littering problem”.
Herrera also confirmed that he had set up an urgent meeting with the St. Paul’s Bay to “determine a way forward”.
Some serious action has to be taken on the #littering problem in #StPaulsBay. This has to stop! Called a meeting with Local Council to determine way forward.
— José Herrera (@JoseHerreraMP) June 23, 2019
In recent weeks, users on Maltese online forum The Salott have regularly detailed the terrible amounts of rubbish and litter that cover the streets of Qawra and St. Paul’s Bay, quickly becoming the latest hot topic for Maltese people to discuss and get angry about.
Judging by the photos provided and the opinions from the general public, the locals’ frustration with the uncleanliness so many people experience is perfectly understandable.