11 One-Stop-Shops To Help You Build Your Lovin Milied Gift Boxes

Malta and Gozo’s streets are steadily being lit up by our collective Christmas cheer. Going on your Sunday drive has never been more cheerful: from Santa Claus mannequins clambering up balconies to those Attard homes which go all out!
So why not get into the Christmas spirit by becoming an honorary elf and helping take some of the weight off Santa’s shoulders with the Lovin Milied challenge?
What is Lovin Milied?
Lovin Milied is our annual initiative aimed at helping you connect to several charities and foundations across Malta and Gozo. You just need to put on your elf ears and lend a helping hand in making their Christmas morning as magical as yours!
All you need to do is pick a gifting category and assemble a box that will be opened on Christmas morning.
Use our #LovinMiliedChallenge filter to see which box you should make. Head on over to Instagram, press on the sparkle ✨ icon, pick which filter you wish to use, press ‘Try it’ and test out the special Lovin Milied filter.
Don’t know which box you should make? Let our filter tell you!
Buy it, box it, bring it, and head on down to the Lovin Malta office or one of Atlas Insurance’s many branches to drop off your ready-made Lovin Milied box.

Let’s have a look at the top eleven one-stop-shops we think would really help you speed up the box making process
1. Mumuso
Mumuso is a great shop for you to construct the Mother and Baby, or the Older Girl’s box. With gifts ranging from skincare to cute accessories, Mumuso has got you covered.
2. Tal-Lira
This iconic Maltese gem is perfect for those who wish to help the kids in need. Constructing a kid’s box at Tal-Lira will be done faster than you can say ‘HoHoHo’.
3. Maypole
Found in almost every locality, Maypole is a great quick stop for you to make during your hectic week. You’ll have a food box ready to go in no time.
4. Muy Mucho
Newly opened in Valletta, this store will provide all of the Christmas vibes needed. From beautiful accessories to functional items – Muy Mucho has got it all!
5. Xing Long
Anything you may think of can probably be found at Xing Long. This department store caters for everyone in the family.
6. Apple4pets
Build your doggy boxes for less thanks to this furry friend wonderland. Dry food, treats, and toys can all be ordered online!
7. Butlers
If you want your box to truly scream Christmas, Butlers have so many Christmas decorations to pick from, you’ll be left speechless. Boxes, decorations, and necessities can all be found at Butlers.
8. JB Stores
Go about your regular errands at JB Stores and you’ll see just how easy it is to build a box here. With so many floors dedicated to different areas, JB Stores makes this challenge a breeze.
9. Flying Tiger
From eclectic notebooks to useful items, Flying Tiger has got you covered no matter which box you wish to construct.
10. Welbee’s
Fill up your food box using the whole range of products just waiting for you on Welbee’s shelves. Pasta, preserves, cans, and some sweet surprises can all be acquired from here.
11. Just Kidding/Just Living
With both of these stores found in Daniel’s Shopping Complex, Ħamrun, you can enjoy a nice afternoon of shopping whilst doing a good deed.
All of the stores mentioned above are simply what stores we have found useful while building our own boxes. This list does not mean that these 11 shops are the only ones you can go to.
You can shop from anywhere you like, it’s the thought that counts, not the label!
Let’s round up the seven different boxes you can make:
Box 1 – Mother & Baby Box
- A soft towel
- Talcum powder
- Pack of baby wipes
- Scented soap for mum
- Christmas decoration
- Christmas-themed chocolate treat
Box 2 – Kids Box (3-10)
- Soft toy such as an animal soft toy, teddy bear, cartoon soft toy, snowman soft toy or similar
- Small fun present like a yo-yo, skipping rope, toy animal/dinosaur, a pack of cards
- Creativity gift like crayons, colouring pencils, dried paint palette, activity book, colouring book, thin picture book, sticker book
- Socks
- Christmas decoration
- Christmas-themed chocolate treat
Box 3 – Older Girl’s Box (11-16)
- A fashionable scarf
- Small presents like a keychain, a pocket mirror, a purse, brush, hair accessories, makeup or a piece of jewellery
- Notebook
- Socks
- Christmas decoration
- Christmas-themed chocolate treat
Box 4 – Older Boy’s Box (11-16)
- A scented body spray
- Small present such as a wallet, socks, a piece of jewellery, a pack of cards or hair gel
- Notebook/diary
- Socks
- Christmas decoration
- Christmas-themed chocolate treat
Box 5 – Elderly Citizen Box
- Cosy lap blanket
- Warm unisex slippers or hot water bottle
- A Christmas card in an envelope to open (this can be signed or anonymous, completely up to you)
- Christmas decoration
- Christmas-themed chocolate treat
Box 6 – Food Box
- Pasta, rice
- Canned food
- Cereal
- Tea, coffee, powdered milk
- Biscuits
- Juice
Box 7 – Doggie treat box
- Wet food, any brand
- Dry food, any brand
- Treats, any brand
- Blankets
- Sheets
You snow the drill, open up this convenient shopping list and just head out to your favourite store!
So far, the doggies have been getting quite some love, with a lovely elf dropping off loads of boxes and bags of dry food for them to enjoy. We just can’t wait to make these dogs’ Christmas mornings!
Kids are feeling the love too with some adorably wrapped boxes just waiting for them. There’s nothing better than giving these wonderful little humans something to look forward to this Christmas morning.
Make sure you build your own box and drop it off at one of Atlas’ 10 branches located all over Malta. None of this would be possible without Atlas Insurance and RYDE, who have really stepped up to the plate and are working wonders in helping us spread the Christmas cheer!
Our elves will be accepting gift boxes until the 17th December, so make sure you don’t leave your elf duties to the last minute. Remember, it’s the thought that counts, not the price tag. Sharing what you can always makes a difference, so get wrapping!
Tag someone who needs to do the #LovinMiliedChallenge!