Watch: Thomas Bajada Echoes Abela’s Attack On The Judiciary, Insinuating Vitals Inquiry Conclusions Were Politically Timed

PL MEP candidate Thomas Bajada has echoed Prime Minister Robert Abela’s judicial attacks by claiming that a magistrate conspired against the Labour Party with the conclusion of the Vitals Healthcare inquiry.
Bajada was questioned about whether he was worried about a concern that’s circulating about his party leader using “very dangerous” rhetoric, in light of yesterday’s press conference.
However, Bajada dodged it and said “I’m going to ask another question – what do the young people want? Definitely not to go to court, but that when or if they do they get justice. Justice for everyone, without precudice or any type doubt.”
“We saw that the magistrate lengthened an inquiry of 60 days to four and a half years without disputing the fact there were many details that need to be analysed.” Here, he referenced the 78 boxes of evidence that came from the inquiry and need to be assessed by the Attorney General and her team.
“The reality isn’t about boxes and what’s in them. The reality is that the prime minister called for the inquiry to be published, he was the first person to do this because he has the interest of everyone in mind. But what’s the reality? It’s that doubts are being raised that can result in prejudice.”
“We’re in a situation in Malta where sensitive things are becoming politicised. Such an important and sensitive inquiry was concluded in the middle of an electoral campaign. Me, as a youth, it hurts me because I felt that I was going out for the elections to talk about important elements that affect youths.”
The mediator, MaltaToday journalist Matthew Vella, quickly intercepted and said that the same thing can be said for the timings of the presidential pardons that were given to those who benefitted from the social benefits racket (not those who perpetuated it).
Here Marie Louise Anne Pulis from the PN added “and the cheques, and social housing”.
Bajada did not respond to this and argued that they are not letting him speak, before continuing on his point that the Vitalis inquiry is being turned into tribalist politics.
“Instead of spending the next few weeks speaking about what Malta needs from the EU, we’re going to be confronted with tribalism politics. And that hurts me.”
Independent candidate Conrad Borg Manche then gave his comments on tribalism politics in Malta.
“Tribalism is the thing that hurt this country the most.”
He explained that in his 40 years of living, every election he can remember has been centred around the corruption of the other party.
“The elections are won because of the corruption of the party before. This is what Malta needs to see, we cannot remain a country with two parties fighting while we have to pick the best out of two evils.”
He concluded by saying how happy and relaxed he felt to be sitting at the debate as an independent candidate without the obligation to attack, be attacked, or defend the bad of someone else.”
Meanwhile, at the start of the debate, ADPD candidate Sandra Gauci strongly censured Abela’s comments calling them “irresponsible, if not criminal”.
The debate was organised in collaboration with LovinMalta, MaltaToday, Ewropej, and MCAST.
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Do you think Bajada adequately answered Vella’s question?