Għarb Residents and NGO Present Objections Against New Fireworks Factory On ODZ Land

Residents of the quaint locality of Għarb as well as environmental NGO Din L-Art Ħelwa, have presented their formal objections against a new fireworks factory being proposed on ODZ land, set to take up around 4,000 sqm of agricultural land.
The proposed development would take up ODZ land right on the edge of the locality if it were to be approved, and it would also take place a mere 250 metres from the chapel of San Dimitri, which is arguably too close.
“Din l-Art Ħelwa objects to the further take-up and formalization of ODZ land through requests that can neither be deemed necessary nor justified and which stand to threaten the integrity of the rural and natural environment,” the objection reads.
Within their representation, they outlined six main reasons for objection:
1. Thematic Objective 7.6 of Strategic Plan for Environment and Development
“To promote the efficient use of resources including local stone, water and soil, and manage waste in a manner that safeguards natural processes, and minimises impacts on cultural heritage, landscape and human health by controlling the location of development to prevent loss of soil and soil sealing.”
2. Thematic Objective 7.7 of Strategic Plan for Environment and Development
“To promote the efficient use of resources including local stone, water and soil, and manage waste in a manner that safeguards natural processes, and minimises impacts on cultural heritage, landscape and human health by Protecting agricultural land and gardens to prevent loss of soil and soil sealing.”
3. Policy 1.2D from Rural Policy and Design Guidelines (RPDG 2014)
“Soil conservation and monitoring: The Authority, in conjunction with the AAC, will actively promote soil conservation and monitoring measures, by adopting the following overarching principles: (1) a general support in favour of in situ soil conservation; (2) appropriate evaluation of existing soil quality within those sites/land onto which rural development proposals are submitted; and (3) the controlled re-use of soil within the same arable holding rather than soil relocation.”
4. Area of High Landscape Value and Area of Ecological Importance
“The proposed fireworks factory is proposed on a 4,000sqm site that forms part of an Area of High Landscape Value (AHLV), which was designated as such to ensure the protection of its scenic natural beauty. The proposal could also lead to the proliferation of further future developments due to new requirements for fireworks factories that may emerge, as such having a continued negative impact on the landscape.”
“The mushrooming of new development within this AHLV will clearly alter the present state of the site and therefore compromise the very characteristics that its scheduled status aims to protect. The development will additionally compromise the environmental state of the site and surrounding area, designated as an Ecology Level 3 Degree of Protection designed to act as a buffer around the Ta’ Slima to Qbajjar area valley system.”
5. Proposed development is also counter to SPED TO8.7, RPDG 2014 Policy 1.2G, 1.2H
“Thematic Objective 8.7: To safeguard and enhance biodiversity, cultural heritage, geology and geomorphology by Controlling activities which might have an impact on areas, buildings, structures, sites, spaces and species with a general presumption against the demolition of scheduled and vernacular buildings.”
“Policy 1.2G: Protected areas, special areas of conservation and specially protected area: Proposed developments which would have an unacceptable adverse environment, landscape, cultural or archaeological impact will not be permitted.”
“Policy 1.2H: Protection of landscape features: The Authority will seek to conserve, maintain and enhance important landscape features that contribute to · the connectivity, appearance and/or integrity of protected areas, sites and/or features, · the character, the scenic or ecological value of the rural area. Proposals that would have an adverse impact on important landscape features, including their integrity or character, will not be permitted.”
6. Counter to Local Plan policy GZ-CMRC-13
“The application furthermore runs counter to the Gozo-Comino Local Plan, policy GZ-CMRC-13, which sets ‘a general presumption against the construction of new fireworks factories unless the site lies in a permitted disturbed area (e.g. a disused quarry) whereby any structures would be totally hidden from view’. The policy furthermore specifies that in cases where a fireworks factory may be considered ‘ the site is not scheduled (or qualifies to be scheduled), and does not lie in an AHLS.'”
A referendum held way back in 2010 had also resulted in the residents of Għarb opposing the construction of new firework facilities in the locality. This came after the previous factory exploded and tragically took four lives.
A similar application submitted in 2017 was withdrawn, although some elements of the new application are still identical to the previous one.
Representations are being accepted until today 11th February.
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