European Medicines Agency Approves Use Of Moderna Vaccine For 12 To 17 Age Group
The European Medicines Agency has approved the use of the Moderna vaccine for children aged 12 to 17.
Moderna, also known as Spikevax, is the second vaccine to receive approval for this age group after Pfizer.
It was approved following research into more than 3,700 children which showed that the jab produced antibodies comparable to that of adults.
Moreover, research showed that none of the 2,163 children who received the vaccine developed COVID-19 compared with four of 1,073 who received a dummy injection.
The authorisation of a second vaccine for this age group comes as welcoming news to young travellers, many of who have encountered difficulty travelling with many countries imposing restrictions on passengers who are unvaccinated.
The lack of vaccine options for teenagers has impacted local residents too with families being torn apart due to young travellers not being able to obtain a vaccine certificate.
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