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37 Ways To Say You’re Drunk In Maltese

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When you have a nation that loves a boozy weekend as much as Malta does, it’s no surprise we have many different ways of explaining just how drunk we got the night before. We’ve already sorted a limited number according to the level of drunk, and now, in alphabetical order, here’s 37 more to boost your vocabulary.

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1. ?aflisa

2. ?appetta

3. ?off

4. Da?na

5. Demel

6. Du??an

7. Esse

8. Fa?am

9. Fis-sakra

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10. Fuq l-idejn

11. Gan?

12. G?oqda

13. ?adni

14. ?ara

15. ?ara mejjet

16. ?a?in g?a?eb

17. Im?aflas

18. Ma?ta

19. Mandra


20. Mejjet

21. Mfarrak

22. M?andar

23. M?arbat

24. M?assar

25. Mhux f’sensija

26. Mhux f’sikti

27. Mitluf

28. Mi?bla

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29. Mqatta

30. Patata

31. Pikles

32. Pudina

33. Ramel

34. Stikker mal-art

35. Xrobtlu

36. ?ibel

37. ?lie?a


Shout out to Kelma Kelma‘s page for help with a few suggestions.

Tag a friend and the number they were this weekend in our post

READ NEXT: The Six Maltese Stages of Being Drunk

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