Maltese ’50 Shades Of Grey’ Quotes Are Even Grosser Than The Original
With 50 Shades Darker set to hit cinemas across Malta later this week (to sold out premiere no less), we thought we’d translate some of the original novel’s kinkiest quotes into Maltese. The already explicit sex scenes are given a new (grosser) feel, and here are some of our favourites:
1. Poġġa idejh fuq sormi għarwien u babasni bil-mod, imiss l’hemm u l’hawn b’idejh
“He places his hand on my naked behind, softly fondling me, stroking around and around with his flat palm.”
2. Alla, kemm irridek… Ħa naħxik issa
“God, I want you… I’m going to fuck you now.”
3. Kif ġibed il-qalziet ta’ taħt, l-erezzjoni tiegħu immolla ‘il fuq. Baqra mqaddsa!
“Pulling off his boxer briefs, his erection springs free. Holy cow!”
Ġibtha mall-ewwel darb’oħra
“I come instantly again and again.”
5. Tbissem u baqa’ jimlini (bro)
“He smiles, filling me again and again”
6. Ħareġ idu, u fiha kien hemm żewġ blalen ileqqu tal-fidda, marbuta b’ħajta sewda… Ġo fija!
“He holds out his hand, and in his palm are two shiny silver balls linked with a thick black thread … Inside me!”
7. Qabad mgħarfa ġelat u dellikha ma’ żaqqi u goż-żokkra… Biesli iż-żejżiet u redali n-nippliet bis-saħħa
“He trails a spoonful of ice cream down the center of my body, across my stomach, and into my navel … He kisses each of my breasts and sucks each of my nipples hard”
8. Ibbisuli u twaluli n-nippliet mill-attakk
“My nipples harden and elongate from the assault”