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Maltese Company Donates Profit To Ukrainian Asylum Seekers Fleeing War

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Maltese company Metalco Ltd has launched a personal incentive that would see a substantial fraction of their profits dedicated to victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war.

The incentive, known as ‘Ukraine Month’, would see 10% of all profits accrued in the month of March channeled to the Malta4Ukraine cause.

The company even started off with a downpayment of Є5,000, right off the bat. 

Lovin Malta reached out to company director Mario Cremona, who had this to say:

“Our goal is to encourage more businesses to do the same, and to help victims who have no choice but to flee their homes and country due to this devastating situation,” he began.

Cremona answered the call of Anthony Caruana, from Malta4Ukraine, who is appealing for funds in order to transport the abundance of physical donations received over the past weeks, in support of Ukraine.

Caruana set up a fundraiser for Maltese people to be able to donate supplies to be given to Ukrainians – such as clothes, sanitary products, shoes, medications, and medical kits, and the response was overwhelming.

The decision that saw Cremona’s company take this measure came from his own personal stance; him having family living close to the conflict zone.

“I have family in Eastern Europe,” Mario said. “And I just can’t shake the thoughts – and the worries – of what could potentially happen to them, with the fighting getting worse and worse.”

From left to right: Andrew Cremona, Mario Cremona, Anthony Caruana and Matthew Fenech Magrin

From left to right: Andrew Cremona, Mario Cremona, Anthony Caruana and Matthew Fenech Magrin

Roots dating back since post World War I era, the Maltese company recycles ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap, such as copper, brass, lead, and aluminum. They also shred various types of materials such as mattresses and confidential documents.

They are currently one of the leading producers and exporters of recycled scrap materials on the island.

Motivated by an inherent need to help, this incentive saw directors of the company meet up with Caruana on Thursday, getting the ball rolling for what could be the start of a project that could save many lives.

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