All The Disgusting Stuff You Find When Cleaning Up The Countryside In Malta

We woke up bright and early this morning to clean up Chadwick Lakes, following a report by Victoria Frendo that one of Malta’s last untouched green areas is actually being used as a dump. Five of us gathered 13 garbage bags of litter, filling up the better part of a skip in less than two hours. This is what we found.
1. Lots of plastic bottles and cans

2. Way too many wetwipes

3. The most random of objects
Including the remains of an inflatable dinghy, soiled cammo shorts, shoes, viagra and condoms.
4. Not enough bins
Only two bins in an area so full of rubbish that we filled 13 garbage bags.
5. No signs reminding people not to litter
We really need something like this.

6. Dead animal remains
Including a dog we found wrapped up in a garbage bag.

7. Animal poo in plastic bags
You do realise the poo is better for the soil than a plastic bag right?

It doesn’t take a genius
8. Actual garbage bags
At least they’ve collected it for you. If only they disposed of it properly too.

9. Buckets… Lots of buckets

BONUS: Not enough helpers
Thanks to the brave few who joined us! To everyone else, we’d love for you to join us next time. We’d be able to get a lot more done with some extra pairs of hands.