12 Reasons Your Nanna Will Always Be Your Favourite Person
1. Her snack supplies are unlimited
Nanna’s house comes with a guarantee that you’re not leaving before you’re bloated.
2. And she’s an amazing teacher
If you’re willing to learn she’ll happily teach you all the family secrets to making the best meals you could possibly imagine. There’s a reason her sauce tastes better than anyone else’s, and all you have to do is ask.
3. Her house is full of cool trinkets
Old globes, weird gadgets, photos from a time before Malta was one massive construction site – her house is like a walk-in museum.
4. She’ll be proud of you for just about anything
Seriously, phone her right now just to tell her how amazing your lunch was, and she’ll be gushing about how you always know exactly what to put on a pizza.
5. She’s super easy to buy gifts for
We’re not gonna suggest that even going over empty handed is enough (because she will be thrilled, but don’t be so cheap) but if you take even 5 minutes out of your day to go and pick something for her, she’s going to absolutely treasure it.
6. She’s full of wise lessons…
The world is changing at a fast rate, but that doesn’t mean she’s doesn’t have the insight to know exactly what to say to help you out.
7. … And Facebook one-liners
“Mariah Carey? Dik mhux li mietet ħabba d-drogi?” – brutal mix up, or hilarious post waiting to happen – you decide!
8. She’ll reach out even when she didn’t mean to
“Uff mhux lilek ridt nċempel… insomma kif int?” – technological mixups are just another excuse for a good chat. Even a blank email with nothing but 500 letter ‘j’s warrents a reply when it’s from nanna.
9. She has the best gossip
Seriously, there’s nothing that’s gone down within a three-block radius that she doesn’t know about.
10. And it’s usually about your parents
Think you were a troublesome kid? Chances are you got it from somewhere, and your nanna will be all too happy to spill.
11. She knows every secret to being an adult
Stained clothes? Ripped undies? Broken furniture? If there’s a domestic problem, nanna knows the solution.
12. And she can literally do no wrong
Seriously, she’s flawless and I won’t hear anyone say otherwise.