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Eight People Hospitalised After Carcading Truck Crash In Marsa

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Eight people have been hospitalised following a carcading truck crashing into other vehicles in a main Marsa road yesterday.

Footage of the incident, first revealed by Lovin Malta, showed a large truck featuring a ‘Team Żabbar Partit Laburista’ banner displayed, drove into a vehicle in front of it which then slammed into another vehicle in Aldo Moro Road, Marsa, yesterday around 2pm.

As a consequence of the impact, eight people – seven of them women between the ages of 20 and 32 and one man aged 24 – were hurt and taken to Mater Dei Hospital.

One woman was certified with grievous injuries.

One pregnant woman was also briefly hospitalised as a precaution, but she was not injured.


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Police investigations continue.

Unfortunately, these were far from the only injuries or controversy to appear in the streets yesterday; one women is at risk of dying after a flare set her car ablaze, and multiple people were filmed urinating in public as the afternoon turned to evening.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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