Joseph Muscat: Christian Grima Exploited Legal Techniques To Get Daphne Murderer Libel Case Dismissed

Joseph Muscat insists that Christian Grima’s lawyers exploited a legal loophole to ensure that the libel case filed by the former Prime Minister would be dismissed.
Earlier today, Magistrate Rachel Montebello dismissed the case, which concerned Grima’s claims that Muscat was involved in the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia after both Muscat and his lawyer failed to turn up.
Now, he’s using logical gymnastics to justify his decision, insisting that his lawyer was unable to attend the sitting because he was indisposed adding that Grima’s lawyer was aware of the fact and had used the issue to get the case dismissed.
Muscat did not explain why he was not there in his personal capacity. His full statement is below:
“We had been waiting for months to be notified but Dr Grima could not be found anywhere even though he had written and was aware of this cause. It never came until the Court even ordered a newspaper notice. For each of these unsuccessful hearings in recent months, I was represented.”
“When he finally appeared, his lawyer used a technique that is rarely used between lawyers to dismiss the case. I have been informed that the lawyer knew from another case that my lawyer was going to be indisposed.”
“I am informed that the facts happened that way. Because my lawyer is indisposed, a lawyer from his office was out of the courtroom at 9am and even later when other cases were being heard. She even spoke to court officials about the case.”
“The other party saw and understood that the new lawyer was there to represent me in order to request a deferral. Unfortunately, by the time the case was called, she was engaged in another case.”
“Grima’s lawyer, I understand with the agreement of his client, used this technique to ask the Magistrate to drop the case. I have been told that if this part of the law were used between lawyers in similar cases, there would be few cases going forward. It seems that Grima was reluctant to make his case, but he found the first chance to stop everything.”
“There was no intention on our part to do so, even after waiting for months for Grima to appear. All this does not detract from the fact that what was written remains completely false and untrue.”
What do you think of Muscat’s statement?