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Online Commenters Insult JeanPaul Sofia’s Mother – Despite Her Campaign For Justice

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A photo being shared around social media is receiving a lot of attention, as it portrays a picture of JeanPaul Sofia’s mother with two hateful comments left across it.

“If you’d loved your child, at that age, you would have sent him to school, not into construction,” read the first.

This comment is ignorant and hateful, particularly if it is considered that it is being directed at a bereaved mother who has campaigned tirelessly for some semblance of justice for her son.

Simultaneously, it also manages to be disrespectful towards the entire construction profession, as though it is necessarily less valuable to society than is schooling.

“If she had just educated him, the poor guy might have avoided it,” read the second comment.

JeanPaul Sofia was 20-years-old when he was found, deceased, following the collapse of a building on a construction site near Kordin.

Frankly, when a person is killed in a construction accident, which could have been avoided if more comprehensive construction regulations had been in place, and enforced, it is shameful to blame the victim’s mother.

All criticism, in this case, should be addressed towards the appropriate authorities.

Though these comments are an example of blatant disrespect towards the victim and his mother, the majority of people sharing their views are doing so in pursuit of justice.

Just yesterday, a new banner demanding justice for JeanPaul was erected.

Though there have allegedly been attempts at obscuring the truth further, the demand for justice is not going anywhere.

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Pawlu is a journalist interested in Race, Environmental Issues, Music, Migration and Skate Culture. Pawlu loves to swim everyday and believes that cars are an inadequate solution to our earthly woes. You can get in touch at [email protected]

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