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The Sliema Banner Wars Have Concluded: Secretary Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel Band Club Resigns

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The Secretary General of Our Lady of Mount Carmel band club has announced his resignation following severe blowback over members of the club being involved in a war of banners with fans of the Saint Gregory feast.

Secretary General Warren Ebejer resigned following the banner wars that involved two rival band clubs, three banners, several Sliema streets, and an alleged cauliflower cannon.

Members of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel band club had put up a banner saying: “Ours is the most beautiful statue. Yours is the ugliest in Malta.”

The executive members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel band club said two members of their club were responsible for putting up the banners in the first place.

Secretary General Warren Ebejer took responsibility for the banners on Wednesday night, and reportedly resigned during a meeting that evening. During his resignation, he allegedly asked that his friend, President Adrian Busuttil, who has been president of the band club for years, resign alongside with him.

There were rumours that Busuttil was considering handing in his resignation in a meeting last night, but when contacted by Lovin Malta, he refused to give a comment in this regard.

Criticism to the childish taunts of the rival Sliema band clubs drew instant condemnation

Fr Joe Saliba, the parish priest for Our Lady of Mount Carmel said “We’re sorry this happened, we’ve never appreciated this rivalry”, while the Kummissjoni Festa Esterna Madonna tal-Karmnu have already disassociated themselves from the whole fiasco.

Busuttil himself told Lovin Malta Wednesday evening that: “We’ve discussed this in length and in a very civil manner. We do not want this to go on, and things are improving now between the two clubs.”

Meanwhile, the Saint Gregory Band Club secretary has confirmed this, saying a meeting with Our Lady of Mount Carmel każin will happen in the near future.

What do you think of the great Sliema banner war of 2018?

READ NEXT: Carmelites ‘Disassociate’ Themselves From Rival Sliema Banners Declaring Their Madonna Statue Is The Most Beautiful


Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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