Netflix Could Start Producing Shows In Malta

Netflix may start producing TV shows in Malta, according to Malta’s Film Commissioner Engelbert Grech.
Speaking on Andrew Azzopardi’s radio programme, Mr Grech divulged that the Film Commission was in discussions with the company Netflix, encouraging them to produce some shows in Malta.
Pushed for more details, Mr Grech said: “We always say we cannot announce a film before it leaves Malta because there were cases in the past where a film starts to be filmed here but some reason it stops. So we should keep our feet to the ground and walk before we run.”
He said Malta had a competitive edge in terms of locations since there is such diversity of landscape in a small area, making it more cost-effective for production companies.
Mr Grech also spoke about Malta’s potential to boost its screen tourism, giving Game of Thrones as an example for how the Season 1 Dothraki Wedding promoted Dwejra’s Azure Window.
Asked about whether pornographic films were allowed to be filmed in Malta, Mr Grech said Malta’s incentives were regulated by the EU, and they could only incentivise films with a “cultural element”.
“I never analysed a pornographic film but i don’t think it has cultural elements that could qualify for financial assistance,” he said.
Mr Grech added that there has never been a request to the commission to incentivise porn but if it came up, it would be tackled there and then.