‘I Think We Actually Won!’: Mother Who Raised Earring Discrimination Celebrates Stud Victory

The mother at the centre of an earring controversy – the one that saw piercings on schoolchildren in the spotlight, before becoming banned entirely, then brought back under certain conditions – has spoken of her happiness at how the situation was resolved.
“Both my son and daughter are back from school and super happy. There are happy boys and girls wearing studs in both schools,” the mother told Lovin Malta after both her children successfully wore studs to school.
“If we managed to pull us out of the dark ages I’m so proud of us all,” she continued.
“All genders can now wear a pair of studs, so common sense prevailed at last. It’s important as this was not just for my child but for all the boys who either have pierced ears or want to have them done. Now, they can celebrate,” she said.
She said she was happy to see more boys coming out for the first time with pierced ears, and praised the “progress” in the education system.
The entire saga had begun after the mother pointed out that, technically according to Maltese law, students weren’t allowed to wear piercings to school, regardless of gender.
However, girls were being allowed to flaunt the law, while boys were being disciplined if they did so.
After pointing out the double standards, Education Minister Evarist Bartolo quickly banned all students from wearing piercings to school, citing ‘health and safety’ reasons.