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PN Backtracks On 24-Hour Ultimatum To St Julian’s Mayor, Who Hasn’t Been Summoned To Testify 13 Days Later

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The Nationalist Party has backtracked on a 24-hour ultimatum it had given St Julian’s mayor Albert Buttigieg to substantiate his claim that a party official had colluded with a big businessman to undermine his election campaign.

Thirteen days ago, the PN gave Buttigieg 24 hours to substantiate the allegation he made in a Times of Malta opinion piece in front of the party’s Ethics, Discipline and Social Media Commission.

However, Buttigieg confirmed with Lovin Malta that he has not appeared in front of the Commission yet, nor has he been given a date or any kind of indication as to when he will have to appear.

“All I had was an informal meeting with PN secretary-general Michael Piccinino, during which I explained to him that I had no problem appearing in front of anyone who asks me for information, but that I can’t reveal information that will expose my source as per the Whistleblower Act and the Data Protection Act.”

A PN spokesperson denied that this was a case of backtracking as former PN official Ray Bezzina had requested an investigation to the same Commission about the same issue within those 24 hours.

“The investigation procedure is ongoing,” he said. “Albert Buttigieg will have a chance to present his case and give his version of events in front of the same commission. Even though the 24 hours were given to Albert Buttigieg, the same commission he was asked to give information to is conducting the same investigation.”

Buttigieg said he stands by what he had written, describing his current state of mind as “very serene”.

He said the time has come to cut the cords between politicians and the business class, citing the recent news that Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries Alicia Bugeja Said had received some €6,200 from three fish farm operators during her election campaign.

“Just because it isn’t illegal doesn’t mean it’s ethical, especially when the donations are coming from people who politicians take decisions on,” he said.

“There exists a wrong kind of relationship between certain businessmen and politicians and I don’t think that democracy and the agendas of political parties and the government should be led by certain businessmen.”

“Otherwise we won’t be a democracy but a feudal system, where those with money have power and can choose who to place in power.”

Former PN official Ray Bezzina

Former PN official Ray Bezzina

In a bombshell article earlier this month, Buttigieg said that a long-standing acquaintance of his informed him of a meeting that took place at the beginning of the year between a high-ranking non-elected PN official and a ‘fat cat’ at a hotel.

Without naming the two people, the mayor said the businessman has “vast commercial and construction interests in St Julian’s” and that he only found out about it after the election.

The mayor said the businessman specifically asked the PN official to “shut him [Buttigieg] up” and that the party official promised to oblige. He also suggested this alleged meeting may be why he was sidelined by the PN machine during the general election campaign.

Although Buttigieg didn’t name any names, Ray Bezzina – who was the PN’s head of secretariat before moving to the db Group – suggested the mayor was referring to him.

In a letter to the PN commission’s head Joe Pirotta, Bezzina denied the insinuation and called for an investigation into Buttigieg, arguing the mayor “cannot keep hiding behind a source but must reveal the facts for the sake of professionalism, honesty and transparency”.

The PN had also given Jason Azzopardi to substantiate his allegations after the former MP claimed that two relatives of murder suspect Yorgen Fenech had donated money to the PN in return for the party campaigning for Fenech to be given a presidential pardon.

However, rather than face the commission, Azzopardi opted to resign from the party entirely.

Do you think the PN should inquire further into Buttigieg’s allegations?

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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