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WATCH: Curious Octopus Plays With Veteran Diver In Wied Iż-Żurrieq

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Hidden away in the waters surrounding Malta and Gozo, intelligent and beautiful creatures who just want to play around sometimes are just waiting for the right man to appear.

Local environmentalist and prolific diver Raniero Borg is just that man, and in a new video the veteran diver shows just how close one can get to wild octopus.

“A very curious octopus, as they always are,” Borg said as he shared a video of an octopus playing around his outstretched palm.

“All I did it stretch my hand out and it immediately was curious to see what it was. It just swam up towards me and didn’t want to let go.”

“Lovely experience.”

The video was taken near the sea in Wied iż-Żurrieq.

Interestingly, Borg pointed out that the octopus didn’t have all eight of its tentacles. Nevertheless, whether it lost its tentacle to humans or some other incident, it was still ready to trust Borg enough to open up in his palm.

Borg has often shown some of the pollution and litter plaguing Maltese seas in his other videos. However, showcasing the intelligent life living just off our shores is a worthy reminder as to why we need to take care of our seas.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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