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WATCH: Masked Rapper Ġaħan Debuts First Track And It’s All About The Daphne Public Inquiry

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Hooded, pitched down and nameless – a new rapper spitting bars for the Maltese people has just released his first song, and it’s all about the public inquiry into murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Ġaħan’s debut track, Noli, just dropped today, and people are already hyped AF about it.

His biting Maltese lyrics focused on corrupt cliques eroding public trust in the island’s institutions were filmed in a grungy dark room surrounded by misplaced Maltese memorabilia.

Ġaħan’s pitched down vocals over a sparse modern hip hop beat adds to the eeriness and anxiety that comes easily when you realise your country’s authorities may not be on the up and up.

As strange as it may be to see a rapper launch with a song inspired by a public inquiry, in Malta, a highly politicised country, it makes perfect sense. And with the island still seeking closure over Caruana Galizia’s murder, hearing a young, strong voice translate his thoughts, hopes and fears via rap music is a sign of the times.

Ġaħan said he wanted to keep his identity concealed because he wanted to stay anonymous.

“I speak for the people, who are tired of not having their voice heard,” he told SideStreet Malta.

People were digging the modern style accompanied with intelligent lyrics.

“This is what Maltese rap should be, someone’s finally doing this island some good,” said one fan. 

“Not the hero we wanted but the one we needed,” said another. 


Ġaħan has just hit the Maltese rap scene with his debut track – now, all eyes will now turn his way to see if he can make his initial splash turn into a wave.

Are you a fan of Ġaħan’s debut?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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