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WATCH: Truck Overtakes Lorry By Climbing Onto Pavement In Marsa-Luqa Bypass

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Another day, another video of people blatantly breaking the law on Maltese roads.

Footage has emerged of a large truck stuck in traffic along the Marsa to Luqa bypass.

However, instead of waiting, as normal drivers do, the truck can be seen driving towards the left pavement before deciding to ride it all the way out of screen, and assumedly, onto a much happier life due to the 17 seconds he shaved off his commute.


The person who took the video told Lovin Malta they were left with their jaws on the floor when they saw it – not least because there was a police vehicle in the opposite lane… though that might be why the truck decided to use another lorry as cover as it made its pavement getaway.

It’s been a wild week for roads in Malta, with a fight spilling onto the main road in Marsa earlier this week as well as another group fight occurring in a parking lot in Msida.

It seems like the summer heat is truly upon us now.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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