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Malta Police Association Calls Out Amount Of Violent Incidents Amid Supposed Venue Closures

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The Malta Police Association has called on the relevant authorities to ensure that establishments that are meant to be closed during the COVID-19 pandemic are doing so following a spate of incidents.

This comes after an 18-year-old girl was glassed in an attack early Sunday morning in St Julian’s and following a major 50-person brawl on New Year’s Day outside a Paceville restaurant, amongst others.

Another recent incident saw three men enter a burger joint in the heart of Paceville and threaten staff, destroy three electronic tablets, various other items and even smash a van’s window on the way out.

“The MPA is shocked at the sheer amount of incidents happening in Paceville and in various entertainment localities. We ask how can it be, when bars, clubs, discos and nightclubs are meant to be closed?” they asked.

Noting that incidents had either occurred near or even inside some establishments, they lamented that police officers were being forced to deal with fights without any knowledge whether the individuals involved were part of any “bubbles” or were at risk of infecting others.

They said they were not against holding union actions in an attempt to “safeguard” the health of their members.

“We urge the authorities to ensure that the establishments that are meant to be closed, are effectively closed,” they pleaded. “We must make sure that during the pandemic, we don’t have one law for people, and another for animals.”

Are you concerned over incidents occurring in venues that are meant to be closed?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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