Police To Increase K9 Units And Community Officers To Address Issues In Malta’s Hot-Spot Areas

Police will increase K9 units and community police officers to help address concerns over a series of public fights in tourism hotspots like St Julian’s and St Paul’s Bay.
Speaking to Lovin Malta, a police spokesperson said that the units will help District Police in upkeeping enforcement in the areas.
Malta’s seen a number of public fights caught on camera over the last few weeks. Meanwhile, there have also been several videos uploaded of persons breaching COVID-19 regulations.
In a recent interview on Lovin Daily, St Julian’s Mayor Albert Buttigieg detailed how residents often experience vandalism.
“Sometimes you find people doing their business on your door, sometimes they ring the doorbell at night and run away, sometimes you find them having sex in your terrace,” he said.
Buttigieg said more police presence at night was needed in the evening, revealing that he had discussed the issue with Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa, but action was yet to be taken.
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