Schools Should Be The Last To Close, Malta’s New Education Minister Says

New Education Minister Clifton Grima has expressed serious scepticism about a return to fully online schools, stating that the education of children goes way beyond the academic aspect.
“World Health Organisation reports say that schools should be the last to close,” Grima said on ONE TV’s Paperscan this morning. “It’s important for children to physically attend schools; they’re not only about the academic aspect but about the entire development of a person’s potential.”
Schools are set to reopen on 10th January despite an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 cases that has seen thousands of people quarantined. Physical schooling will be preceded by a brief online period, during which schools will assess how many of their staff are on quarantine or sick leave.
If a school’s management deems that there are insufficient personnel to attend to a school, classroom or group, that school, classroom or group will reman online beyond 10th January until capacity improves.
Grima said that, as a father, he feels satisfied by Superintendent of Public Health Charmaine Gauci’s assurances of the safety of schools.
“Schools aren’t immune but the health protocols in place are good enough to ensure that our children can receive a proper education, which involves physical attendance.”
Do you agree with the decision to reopen schools?