The Internet’s Reaction To NYB’s Last Supper Billboard Saga Was, As Expected, Spectacular

It all started earlier this week with people congratulating Maltese food joint New York Best’s latest marketing stunt, a billboard opposite the University skatepark showing an edited Last Supper.
By Saturday afternoon, iNews reporters were on the scene with police inspector Sandro Camilleri. A couple of hours later, none other than Henry Battistino, leader of Movimenti Patrijotti Maltin, went on down with fellow party member Desmond Falzon (who got an unbelievable zero votes in the last election) to tear off the image of Christ from the billboard.
And what with Malta’s recent spectacular and timely online reactions to some of the biggest events this year, this was never going to be an exception. Here come the memes!
1. With so many people being downright offended, some began to wonder; just what would Jesus actually order in 2017?
2. Others decided to test whether MPM would be similarly vexed if it was someone else’s religion being depicted
3. And hey, what if Jesus really felt like that pizza?
“Fejn hu Henry ħa nħassru?”
4. He would’ve definitely said something
5. How about a Saint Henry?

6. On second thought, tearing the face of Christ isn’t really super Christian…
“When your crush says she only dates atheists”
7. Some people took a more serious look at the whole issue
8. While the NYB big man himself took it all in his stride
9. It was only a matter of time until two memes met, and the result was beautiful
10. Of course, it’s not really a controversial Maltese event unless Daniel Dean Kingswell makes a parody video about it
11. With so much hate inevitably going NYB’s way, many people went on the Facebook page to positively review the eatery
And don’t you dare for one second say that’s coincidence #NYBSatanConfirmed

12. One guy is even organizing lunch at NYB this Saturday to show solidarity
This is the event description and yes, it’s amazing:
“Wara li l-‘Patrijotti’ (li ma jafux l-innu Malti) vvandalizzaw il-poster ta’ New York Best f’isem Kristu (avolja nsew li qalilhom biex ihobbu l-poplu u qatt ma qallhom bl-eccezzjoni ta’ jekk ikun iswed), nixtieq norganizza ikla ‘lunch’ fil-fergha ta’ Paceville ta’ New York Best bhala turija ta’ solidarjeta. Kull min ghandu ghal qalbu l-liberta tal-espressjoni huwa mistieden jaqbez qabza sa hdejna.”