‘Abela Is A Man Without Vision’: Grech Lays Into Labour Party Over Lack Of Manifesto

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech called out Prime Minister Robert Abela over a lack of vision with the Labour Party yet to publish its manifesto.
The message was delivered during a PN rally held at Naxxar on 6th March, with Grech taking a rather forward approach:
“The Prime Minister called an election without preparation. So what do you expect?”
“We presented our vision, we gave you our electoral program, to check it, to analyse it, to criticise it, to give us feedback to continue improving upon it.”
“Others are still putting toner in their printers,” he jested. “We have a Government without an electoral program.
“[Prime Minister] Robert Abela is a man without vision. Two years as Prime Minister and he remains without solutions for our country’s challenges. He is even hailing this mandate, as his first mandate. As if the previous two years were a rehearsal.”
At a Labour Party rally taking place only moments prior, it was announced that the Party’s electoral program will be unveiled on Friday, a further five days time.
It did not deter Grech. “We have a Government without an electoral program. We need a vision that works. We need serious politicians. Not someone who is forced to succumb to pressures, over and above all, the pressures of the Opposition,” he added, to resounding applause.
Grech also stated that it is their duty – as politicians – to continue to update their electoral program, which ‘continues to adapt to meet the people’s needs.
“Our electoral program is developing with each passing day. We will keep on consulting you because we listen. We will continue to take note of what you have to say. Now and forever.”
During the rally, Grech highlighted some of the party’s proposals, reiterating his vow to see Malta out of the financial greylist in less than three months.
He also vowed to have maintenance grants and stipends increased by up to 25%, were they to take the reigns after the upcoming election.
Do you think the Labour Party was late to issue its electoral plans?