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Gap Between PL And PN Between 23,000 And 45,000 Votes As Three Surveys Give Different Results

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Three political surveys have been published at the end of the first election campaign week, but while they all indicate a clear victory for PL, they disagree on how large the gap between the two main parties will be.

A survey by Esprimi for Times of Malta offered the best news for PL.

According to this survey, 56.2% of the nation intend to vote for PL while 42.4% will vote for PN and 1.4% will vote for a third party.

This would translate into a victory for PL by around 44,500 votes, which would be an absolute record in Maltese history.

It-Torċa’s survey, carried out by Vincent Marmara, predicted that 55.9% of people will vote for PL, 42.5% for PN and 1.6% for smaller parties.

With a gap of around 41,000 votes in favour of PL, this would also set a new electoral record.

However, MaltaToday’s survey predicted a much smaller gap between the two parties, with 52.5% of the nation voting for PL, 44.9% for PN and 2.6% for smaller parties.

This would mean PL is set to triumph by around 22,654 votes, which while being a decisive victory would also be somewhat of a win for PN, who would have managed to shrink the gap considerably compared to the last two elections.


There is no doubt that PL is the runaway favourite to secure a third successive term and both parties now face their own unique challenges. PN must somehow mobilise and energise the troops despite a clear defeat being on the horizon while PL must make sure complacency doesn’t set in.

With a month to go until the people of Malta take to the polls, the real question right now is how large will the gap between the parties be?  

Which political party has impressed you most throughout the campaign? 

READ NEXT: Here Are All The ‘Freebies’ PL And PN Have Promised In This Campaign So Far

Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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