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Maltese Trade Schools Will Make Something Of A Comeback, PL And PN Both Pledge

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Trade schools are set to make something of a comeback in the next legislature, with both the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party issuing similar proposals.

PL deputy leader Daniel Micallef warned yesterday that the closure of trade schools, which provided education in trades at secondary school level, back in the 1990s has left a skills vacuum in the country. 

“MCAST was set up, and while it was, is and will remain a success story, the vacuum was still felt,” Micallef said at a PL rally last night. “Many employers tell us how hard it is to find people, particularly youths, with certain skills.”

“We don’t want to turn the clock back but we do want to address the skills gap and offer career opportunities to hundreds of youths who have these talents for which there is a huge demand.”

The PL is proposing the establishment of a new crafts institute at MCAST, in collaboration with industries, educators and experienced craftspeople.

“There are many experienced people out there who have lots of wisdom they would like to pass on but aren’t doing so right now,” Micallef said. “Manual labour has as much value as jackets and ties and we must give space for more youths with technical skills to succeed.”

The PN issued a similar proposal in its manifesto, pledging to expand MCAST’s programmes to invest in training linked to new economic sectors, trades and vocational skills.

An Apprenticeship Program of Excellence will be set up, in collaboration with industries, focusing on providing specialised training to students with more vocational inclinations.

Do you agree with these proposals?

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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